Shop for High Collagen, Collagen, Spermidine, Thyroid Tonic, Natural Lip Balm

High Collagen spermidineLIFE Celergen. High Collagen, Kollagen, Spermidine, Celergen. Shop for High Collagen, SpermidineLIFE. High Collagen Shots buy now. High Collagen, Kollagen, Spermidine, Celergen. Shop for High Collagen, SpermidineLIFE, Vegan Collagen, Vegetable Collagen, Oral Cell Therapy, Anti-Aging, Anti-Ageing, Autophagy, Fasting.

Swiss Agency for Health​

Things for a better You​

High Collagen spermidineLIFE Celergen

Offer for a 3 months combination cure
for your cell health

The cell revitalisation Package

Produktbild SpermidineLIFE Package

1x spermidineLIFE® Pro+
2x spermidineLIFE® 365+

This cell cleansing treatment for 3 months
achieves good results.

303.30 CHF

Cell cleansing & cell energy

Package spermidineLIFE und nadLIFE

1x spermidineLIFE® Pro+
2x spermidineLIFE® 365+
2x nadLIFE® Energy+

Exclusive 3-month combination cure for comprehensive cell health
comprehensive cell health

395.25 CHF

High quality &
high dosed collagen


Best price/performance ratio
10 g collagen peptides
per daily dose

High Collagen Kollagen Shots zum trinken

From 30.- CHF

Stimulates the body’s
own collagen production

Vegan Boost®

For beautiful skin,
hair & nails,
strong connective tissue as well
and healthy joints & bones
High Collagen Vegan Boost

From 58.- CHF

Intensive cure
for cell cleansing


Start taking spermidine with the high dosed spermidineLIFE® Pro+.
Also suitable for interval cures

spermidineLIFE Pro Box neu ohne Flasche

179.- CHF

Maintenance dose
for cell renewal


For daily intake
of spermidine.
2mg/day, 2 capsules/day

Natürliches Spermidin aus
Weizenkeimen zur Förderung der Autophagie und Zellreinigung.

From 79.- CHF

Higher maintenance dosage
for cell renewal


The Energy boost
for stressed cells.
Are suitable as a maintenance dose,
for daily intake, 3mg in sachets.

spermidineLIFE Boost+

From 95.- CHF

for your cells


nadLIFE® Energy+ is dietary supplement with nicotinamide and natural spermidine, provides your body more energy, better performance and cell renewal in everyday life.1,2
"Energie für Deine Zellen."

From 64.- CHF

Anti-aging cure
based on marine peptides

Cell Therapy

Stimulates the human body’s natural healing powers
healing powers

Celergen capsules. Celergen is the first food supplement that stimulates cell renewal to delay our aging process.

From 350.- CHF


Serum Royale

Repaired and renewed.
Rejuvenation of the skin

at the cellular level

Celergen Anti-Aging-Serum. Fangen Sie die Hautalterung dort ab, wo sie beginnt.
Verjüngung der Haut auf zellulärer Ebene.

279.- CHF

Aromatherapy for
external use


Thyroid tonic for supportive treatment of hypothyroidism/

Thyroid Inflammation
and Hashimoto

Schilddrüsentonikum zur unterstützenden Behandlung bei Schilddrüsenunterfunktion/überfunktion, 
Schilddrüsenentzündung und Hashimoto.

68.- CHF

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