
Visit us on the Swiss Congress of Dermatology and Venerology
6.-8. September in Lausanne

Visit us on the Swiss Congress of Dermatology and Venerology
6.-8. September in Lausanne

Visit us on the Swiss Congress of Dermatology and Venerology6.-8. September in Lausanne Every year, dermatologists from Switzerland and industry representatives meet at the SGDV annual congress.The focus is on the exchange between specialists, the deepening of knowledge and networking among colleagues.This year’s SGDV Annual Congress will be held September 6-8, 2023, at the SwissTech …

Visit us on the Swiss Congress of Dermatology and Venerology
6.-8. September in Lausanne
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spermidineLIFE® ist das Original, das erste natürliche Nahrungsergänzungsmittel aus natürlichem Spermidin

spermidineLIFE® is the original, the first natural dietary supplement made from natural spermidine

spermidineLIFE<sup>®</sup> is the original, the first natural dietary supplement made from natural spermidinespermidineLIFE<sup>®</sup> consists of the award-winning product innovation of the CelVio<sup>®</sup> Complex, a wheat germ extract with a high spermidine content, for which Novel Food approval was obtained years ago. spermidineLIFE<sup>®</sup> is therefore a safe food and can be sold and consumed without hesitation.

Better skin firmness and elasticity

Better skin firmness and elasticity

Better skin firmness and elasticity The daily intake of collagen peptides led to improvements of the biomechanical properties of the temple skin. Following 56 days of treatment, the group with the intake demonstrated a better skin firmness andan elasticity as compared to the placebo group (see figure 1).

Die natürliche Lösung für starke Knochen & gesunde Gelenke

High Collagen Shots – The natural solution for Strong Bones & Healthy Joints

HIGH COLLAGEN® ShotsThe natural solution for Strong Bones & Healthy Joints @tamplenus #highcollagen #beauty #schönheit #woman #collagen #kollagen #starkeknochen #strongbones #gelenkschmerzen #jointpain #sportnutrition #performance #cartilage #postoperation #rheumatology #rheumatologie #styhealthy #behealthy #supportyourjoints #inflammation #entzundungshemmend #sportverletzung #sportinjury #sportaccident