A spermidine-rich diet keeps people young longer.

A Spermidine-rich diet
keeps you longer young and healthy

A Spermidine-rich diet keeps you longer young and healthy

What is spermidine?
Spermidine is a natural polyamine found in all human cells. Mechanistically, the life-prolonging effect of Spermidine is based primarily on its ability to stimulate autophagy. Autophagy is a kind of recycling plant of human cells.

During this self-cleaning process of the cells, damaged or no longer required cell components get selected, dismantled and recycled. Because autophagy loses efficiency with age, disease-related changes occur. Deposits in the cells, which in turn may lead to dementia, diabetes, tumors and atherosclerosis.

The increased intake of Spermidine signals the cell to start the self-cleaning process and thus protects against deposits and premature aging.